The Canadian dollar is being my hero! It's been on an upswing for the past week, more or less. While i doubt it'll keep that pace, I would absolutely love it it went up a bit more and stayed there until mid-May. Analysis have been saying the dollar's good fortune wouldn't last too long, so I paid off half of the balance on the hotel and bought some US money for spending purposes. I also went through all my change and found 95¢ worth of US coins, plus another 50¢ in pennies. About 5% of my pennies were American!
This sudden interest in US currency prompted me to check out my quarter collection. I had been keeping US State quarters that I find at work, but wasn't sure how many I had. Turns out, I have 22 different states represented overall (and I scrounged up another dollar in duplicates). If anyone has ones that I'm missing, please can I have them? I'll give you my address and everything (just please don't come and stalk me).

[Click to view my collection]
The new American bank notes are awkward. The newest Canadian designs embrace the colours of the notes of the past. The American ones, are slowly moving beyond their Original Gameboy green-and-black look, and are stuck in a middle "look i have some colour!" state. A note to American currency designers: purple and green are not so nice-looking together.
I've had over 1000 visitors to my blog. I'm no Joseph Mallozzi, but I bet I could be if I ran sci-fi show, ate a lot of exotic food, and had scary, yet adorable puppies to show off. In fact, if that were the case, I would in fact be Joseph Mallozzi. I suspect most of them arrive via google image search finding pics of T'Pol from an entry I made way back. But thank you if you're one of the ones who follows the blog, whether on Livejournal, through my site, RSS feed, facebook links, or any other source that I just can't think about at the moment.
Recently, I watched two movies (in hi-def Bluray!)

I hadn't seen Pinocchio (1940) since I was very young, and I wasn't a fan then. I'm still not a fan. Even though I don't get excited over the movie, now that I'm older, I'm able to appreciate the movie a lot more. The animation is spectacular. The underwater scenes and the scenes inside Monstro are beautiful and detailed, to the point where I can't even believe this movie has been around for 70 years! Also, Figaro has become my favourite Disney cat (sorry, Berlios). He's just so amazing and expressive and little!
The hi-def transfer was very nice, but it wasn't as spectacular as I was expecting; Sleeping Beauty raised my expectations too high. It makes me wonder why Disney is re-releasing two huge old classics one after another (Snow White is due this fall) and not something more modern, like Lion King or Beauty and the Beast to really show off the platform.

Bolt, however, was a fantastic hi-def watching experience. It was just like watching it in the theatres, only on a smaller screen, and three people instead of 70. I actually think Bolt's a great movie, Disney Proper's best CG movie to date. It's not quite on par with a Pixar flick, but in terms of visuals, story, characters, and everything, it's much better than Chicken Little and Meet the Robinsons. I wonder how much of that is John Lasseter's influence.
The opening sequence, which shows the filming (with real-time editing and special effects I might add) of the Bolt show is spectacular, as is the set disaster bit. The region-specific pigeons deserve a lot of credit. They're all hilarious! Also, this movie boosts my love for Malcolm McDowell (Mr. Linderman, the guy that killed Kirk, for you sci-fi nuts), the voice of Dr. Calico, the green-eyed Man. Rhino, the little break-out hamster starlet from the movie gets an all-new short, much like how Pixar makes shorts for their feature releases. This one was pretty forgettable, but cool while it lasted.
This sudden interest in US currency prompted me to check out my quarter collection. I had been keeping US State quarters that I find at work, but wasn't sure how many I had. Turns out, I have 22 different states represented overall (and I scrounged up another dollar in duplicates). If anyone has ones that I'm missing, please can I have them? I'll give you my address and everything (just please don't come and stalk me).
[Click to view my collection]
The new American bank notes are awkward. The newest Canadian designs embrace the colours of the notes of the past. The American ones, are slowly moving beyond their Original Gameboy green-and-black look, and are stuck in a middle "look i have some colour!" state. A note to American currency designers: purple and green are not so nice-looking together.
I've had over 1000 visitors to my blog. I'm no Joseph Mallozzi, but I bet I could be if I ran sci-fi show, ate a lot of exotic food, and had scary, yet adorable puppies to show off. In fact, if that were the case, I would in fact be Joseph Mallozzi. I suspect most of them arrive via google image search finding pics of T'Pol from an entry I made way back. But thank you if you're one of the ones who follows the blog, whether on Livejournal, through my site, RSS feed, facebook links, or any other source that I just can't think about at the moment.
Recently, I watched two movies (in hi-def Bluray!)
I hadn't seen Pinocchio (1940) since I was very young, and I wasn't a fan then. I'm still not a fan. Even though I don't get excited over the movie, now that I'm older, I'm able to appreciate the movie a lot more. The animation is spectacular. The underwater scenes and the scenes inside Monstro are beautiful and detailed, to the point where I can't even believe this movie has been around for 70 years! Also, Figaro has become my favourite Disney cat (sorry, Berlios). He's just so amazing and expressive and little!
The hi-def transfer was very nice, but it wasn't as spectacular as I was expecting; Sleeping Beauty raised my expectations too high. It makes me wonder why Disney is re-releasing two huge old classics one after another (Snow White is due this fall) and not something more modern, like Lion King or Beauty and the Beast to really show off the platform.
Bolt, however, was a fantastic hi-def watching experience. It was just like watching it in the theatres, only on a smaller screen, and three people instead of 70. I actually think Bolt's a great movie, Disney Proper's best CG movie to date. It's not quite on par with a Pixar flick, but in terms of visuals, story, characters, and everything, it's much better than Chicken Little and Meet the Robinsons. I wonder how much of that is John Lasseter's influence.
The opening sequence, which shows the filming (with real-time editing and special effects I might add) of the Bolt show is spectacular, as is the set disaster bit. The region-specific pigeons deserve a lot of credit. They're all hilarious! Also, this movie boosts my love for Malcolm McDowell (Mr. Linderman, the guy that killed Kirk, for you sci-fi nuts), the voice of Dr. Calico, the green-eyed Man. Rhino, the little break-out hamster starlet from the movie gets an all-new short, much like how Pixar makes shorts for their feature releases. This one was pretty forgettable, but cool while it lasted.
Bravo pour vos 1000 visites^^. c'est vrai que cela sera dur de battre Joseph^^!
A bientot