Benjamin Wood:
- is a 32 year old guy.
- is from Ottawa, Canada.
- once worked for The Walt Disney Co.
- plays Nintendo.
- likes to take pictures.
- often takes the bus wherever he needs to go.
- spent four years at Carleton University.
- at one point wanted to marry Sarah Slean.
- has been to Nepal.
- got internet in 2000.
- wants to visit Antarctica one day.
- is on page 60 of the first Harry Potter.
- loves smoothies.
- thinks Yoshi’s Island (SNES) is the best game.
- got married to a wonderful woman.
- likes Finger Eleven.
- is loved by his dog, Charlie.
- once held a tiger by the tail.
- loves Pixar films.
- bought a Wii on day one.
- bought a Wii U on day one.
- bought a Nintendo Switch on day one.
- bikes on occasion.
- has a 16 sqft poster of Great Big Sea.
- spends too much time online.
- doesn’t mind mushrooms.
- read “The Bear Necessities of Business”.
- has been as far west as Victoria, BC.
- can juggle.
- built a desk.
- has a Canon Rebel T3i camera.
- drinks orange juice in the morning.
- can’t skip double dutch.
- hates humidity.
- does not dislike green peppers.
- has a soft spot for High School Musical.
- enjoys sci-fi.
- got an N64 in 1998.
- likes Sharpies.
- wears a size 10ish shoe.
- loves DAVIDsTEA.
- met Mickey Mouse.
- is allergic to cats.
- loves peanut M and Ms.
- has been to P.E.I.
- once won a Pepsi hoodie.
- learned about marketing.
- enjoys the smell of vanilla.
- has an Xbox 360 Elite.
- loves the colour orange.
- saw Billy Ray Cyrus in concert.
- doesn’t care for red wine.
- doesn’t like pink, but has a pink polo.
- wears glasses on occasion.
- has flown over China.
- wishes he could snowboard.
- could have won an arcade cabinet.
- can’t go near espresso.
- likes fireworks.
- has love hate feelings for lightning.
- sang a karaoke song he didn’t know.
- speaks French.
- is part Tanzanian.
- wants a pet chicken.
- thinks pomegranates are the future.
- loves lemonade.
- has met Reggie Fils-Aime.
- created at least one article on Wikipedia.
- will eat chicken any day.
- enjoys broccoli on pizza.
- has been to Montreal 9 times.
- doesn’t have a star named after him.
- has been as East as Fukuoka, Japan.
- uses a 27″ iMac.
- is a scorpio.
- can make really good chicken.
- has a plastic fish named Ish.
- thinks Picard beats Kirk.
- owns an indigo GameCube.
- likes fireflies.
- works in a hospital.
- once bowled a turkey.
- listens to LiVE 885.
- is two by two, hands of blue.
- has several chemistry textbooks.
- has an iPhone 6S.
- volunteered at the Tulip Festival.
- collects keychains.
- used 56k for less than a month.
- thinks Jasmine is his fave princess.
- spent a month in Saskatoon.
- saw Jason Mraz in concert.
- picks Squirtle over Charmander.
- picks Bulbasaur over Squirlte.
- likes the idea of Shakespeare.
- has never fired a paintball gun.
- has a first gen 12.9" iPad Pro
- watched The Magic Schoolbus.
- prefers waffles to pancakes.
- has a Jim Carrey autograph.
- Got an Apple Watch on day 1, somehow.
- wants to go 88mph in a Delorean.
- has never been in a Delorean.
- thought he invented the 2-sided pen.
- doesn’t understand the appeal of Bratz.
- is short, for a guy.
- loves the Tilt-a-Whirl.
- had an afro in high school.
- owns a lab coat.
- orders Cabana Twist at Booster Juice.
- has seen Jason Mraz live.
- can’t sit through Lord of the Rings.
- thinks Old Navy water is funny.
- has a brain age of 33.
- has been to Disneyworld once.
- knows 500 words in Spanish.
- trusts Duracell.
- ran a 5K.
- ran a 10k.
- ran a Mud Hero run.
- ran a half-marathon.
- is amused by kids.
- amuses kids.
- was 4lb 3oz at birth.
- is somewhat afraid of La Senza.
- once dis-armed a Gap mannequin.
- wore pjs to school by accident in gr 1.
- doesn’t really dance.
- like his peanut butter extra creamy.
- didn’t know what to say to Alanis.
- has never been sunburned.
- knows the words to Part of Your World.
- has never pulled a fire alarm.
- is on YouTube.
- used to have an NES.
- doesn’t trust coincidences.
- loves vanilla.
- has been as South as Chitwan, Nepal.
- owns over 150 cds, but no longer really counting.
- saw The Little Mermaid in theatres.