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068 - Angus burgers Look Kinda Gross When Photographed Half-Eaten

200903_02_03k - I Believe in you

200903_06_01k - Waiting for Prashanta

200903_04_01k - Morning Commute

200903_07_01 - Painted Turtle

200903_07_03 - Spots

200903_07_04 - Angus Burger with Cheese and Bacon

Usage Stats for the last month:
Text message sent: 1007
Picture messages sent: 64
Internet bandwidth use (60GB max): 60.95GB

I think the bill is available tomorrow, so I'll get more details. It's just a good thing I have MY5 because that many texts and picmessages could otherwise be very expensive.

Also, I should be in class right now, but I kinda slept in.

Photos: inspiring graffiti, waiting for Prashanta, bus, wine, lights, burger.
