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035 - Tetrachloromethanedoesn't extinguish the passion for poetry

200804_05_01 - Garbage Upended

200804_05_02 - Popcorn and Fruit Juice

200804_05_03 - Push

200804_05_04 - Three Stories

200804_05_05 - Glass Roof

200804_05_07 - Vanilla

The past five days of work have been crazy. And filled with... work, but still fun. Between the pancake plush, vanilla cake, pants-dropping poems, wonder weiners, garbage, coins, cameras, oranges, pineapple princesses, and yes, even Lion King 1/2... it'll be nice to take a couple of days to not work - and work on school work. Is it next week yet?

Other than that, I've bought games that I haven't (and won't, for a week anyway) play: Beautiful Katamari and Tomb Raider Anniversary - both of which I for a good deal on. My Spanish is improving, possibly. At least, I'm learning words. I guess sentences are the next hurdle.

Pictures: toppled public garbage, mall, vanilla cake wit Buzz and Woody.

Oh, and the Title goes out to Ricky P for a job well done.
