Photos: Bus ride, Carleton U avast, No dumping on the big pile of snow, road ice melting, a shoe unearthed, anime-style armored beast with special guest SUN as it's powering sphere of light, messy room made messier in my attempts to tidy it, cards, locker art.
Perhaps as a nod to a friend of mine on Livejournal, I've decided to clean out my room (see pictures), organize stuff, and weed out things that I don't really need or want... including sifting through the three random drawers of mostly random stuff that I have. Back in high school, I'd take my cheapo film camera with me and take pictures (much like I do now, but with less apprehension taking shots of people) and get double prints so that my friends can take pictures they wanted. Well, the (many) leftover got chucked. I know I have copies in photo albums, so they just went ploof! It's a darned good thing I have a digital camera now, and Flickr.
Gone are tons of high school class notes. If ever I need some cosine laws, I'll search Wikipedia.
I kept all of my Christmas and birthday cards though! There's something about a card that I just want to keep. Included in those are some "happy birthday" art left on my locker in high school. Is it bad that high school was oh so long ago? I don't want to be old yet!
I also reorganized my unusual collection of penguin plushes. Crazy penguins. All those eyes staring. I hope I never bring a girl home; they're liable to scare her away.... Scratch that. I'll just buy a throw blanket ;D
And my Xbox is finally beside my television and not halfway across the room. That makes me happy.
In other news, yesterday after my presentation, I went on an adventure to try to find the OC Transpo Graveyard, where you can find all the city buses that are beyond repair. I didn't quite make it, but some intense staring at Google Earth told me that I was very close. I can't wait to actually make it there! My hype for this place is so high that it may actually beat "the sound made by crushing plastic bins in a garbage compactor" as most awesome find of the year. Most of the pictures I posted were taken on this mini-adventure.
Or plan out a large-scale adventure! School is almost done! Oh, and if you haven't already, please read Questionable Content, from the beginning. It's pretty cool (plus has robots with death rays).