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034 - Nothing like the fresh scent of Febreeze and a graveyard hunt

200803_31_01 - Tag

200804_01_01 - Dunton

200804_01_05 - No Dumping, No Parking

200804_01_06 - Winter Ice Melting

200804_01_08 - Just Did it (Now What?)

200804_01_09 - Armored Beast Powered by SUN

200804_02_01 - Tidydification in Progress

200804_02_02 - Cards Ahoy!

200804_02_03 - Happy Birthday Ben

Photos: Bus ride, Carleton U avast, No dumping on the big pile of snow, road ice melting, a shoe unearthed, anime-style armored beast with special guest SUN as it's powering sphere of light, messy room made messier in my attempts to tidy it, cards, locker art.

Perhaps as a nod to a friend of mine on Livejournal, I've decided to clean out my room (see pictures), organize stuff, and weed out things that I don't really need or want... including sifting through the three random drawers of mostly random stuff that I have. Back in high school, I'd take my cheapo film camera with me and take pictures (much like I do now, but with less apprehension taking shots of people) and get double prints so that my friends can take pictures they wanted. Well, the (many) leftover got chucked. I know I have copies in photo albums, so they just went ploof! It's a darned good thing I have a digital camera now, and Flickr.

Gone are tons of high school class notes. If ever I need some cosine laws, I'll search Wikipedia.

I kept all of my Christmas and birthday cards though! There's something about a card that I just want to keep. Included in those are some "happy birthday" art left on my locker in high school. Is it bad that high school was oh so long ago? I don't want to be old yet!

I also reorganized my unusual collection of penguin plushes. Crazy penguins. All those eyes staring. I hope I never bring a girl home; they're liable to scare her away.... Scratch that. I'll just buy a throw blanket ;D

And my Xbox is finally beside my television and not halfway across the room. That makes me happy.

In other news, yesterday after my presentation, I went on an adventure to try to find the OC Transpo Graveyard, where you can find all the city buses that are beyond repair. I didn't quite make it, but some intense staring at Google Earth told me that I was very close. I can't wait to actually make it there! My hype for this place is so high that it may actually beat "the sound made by crushing plastic bins in a garbage compactor" as most awesome find of the year. Most of the pictures I posted were taken on this mini-adventure.

Or plan out a large-scale adventure! School is almost done! Oh, and if you haven't already, please read Questionable Content, from the beginning. It's pretty cool (plus has robots with death rays).


Anonymous said…
It's best to visit the graveyard on weekends or in the evening. The area is still active with people until places close down (presumably around 5pm).