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Showing posts from April, 2008

040 - Maple Music is the Simon Wilcox to my Tulip Festival

I love Maple Music . For the uninitiated, is a little online music retailer - one that specializes, or at the very least exclusively distributes Canadian music. Arrogant Worms, Billy Talent, Jill Barber, Sarah Slean I also love how my spell check doesn't know the words Slean, merch, nor hoodies. Anyway, I've made two orders with them so far, and they're just awesome! The prices are what I'd call reasonable, at least prices that would sway me to buy stuff if I were at HMV or something like that. I bought Simon Wilcox's newest, The Charm and the Strange and Kinnie Starr's Anything. A few years back, I bought Simon Wilcox's second cd, Smart Function, in part because the listening station had it and I was impressed (and in part because it'd give me something to see at Tulipfest). So a follow-up cd was a no brainer for me. Smart Function is a work of art. A slightly dark, highly-energized, low energy (if that makes sense) work of art. Kinnie Starr, I had hear...

039 - Doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou dot

Yesterday, I was just abuzz with energy, so I began work on my website, for the first time in about two years. And surprisingly, I'm almost done! Hopefully I'll get enough work done on it this weekend so that it can go up. The image is just a snippit of what'll be shown on the site. And the Sens aren't in the playoffs anymore! I was looking forward to working on those dead nights where the entire city is collectively focused on televisions big and small not in the store. Oh well, what's that great Ottawan saying? "There's always next year"?

038 - Brains!

My Brain Hurts.

037 - My shirt is soaked, and my soul

I need some adventure STAT! After (reluctantly) turning down a trip to Japan, I need something to keep me occupied! Today, it rained lightly but steadily, which is refreshing considering how long a winter we've had. SPRING! I love exclamation marks! This morning, I was on a role. I woke up with a brilliant invention I need to develop. It's so sensitive that if i post it online, someone from Thailand, or the Louisiana government will steal it and profit from my brilliance. Shortly thereafter, a brilliant (ok, not brilliant, but at least average) emo song popped into my head. Lyrics and all! Though it doesn't have a chorus yet... but I'll give you a peek at my favourite verse: It was two days ago When you said you loved me Your cherry cheeks aglow From head to toe you had me deep Very emo. Maybe I'll finish it and startup a one-hit-wonder emo band! I have a drummer already, and I tried recruiting a bassist today! Anyway, my weekend is filled with work and studying. An...

036 - It's a faaaaaaake!

Photos: Hannah Montana mannequin, parking lot at night What a day indeed! In one mail-checking session, I received money from the government, a notice of bankruptcy and a call for objections for the sale of Disney Store by Hoop Retail, and a letter from Japan. The latter has amazingly colourfully cute stationary! It feels as if it's a letter right out of Animal Crossing, sans exotic furniture present. Oh I really want some exotic furniture! I also reinflated my purple yoga ball thinking maybe I can sit on it when I play videogames in my room. I tried it out by playing some Beautiful Katamari. Man, that game is trippy! I don't know how to roll properly, so I don't end up with big Katamari balls, leaving the King of the Cosmos pretty bummed. My room is also almost 100% tidy! I will take pictures when it's sunny. I'm out of room for DS games and cds. Uhoh! Deep Space Nine's season six In the Pale Moonlight is probably the greatest hour (well, 44 minutes) of Star Tr...

035 - Tetrachloromethanedoesn't extinguish the passion for poetry

The past five days of work have been crazy. And filled with... work, but still fun. Between the pancake plush, vanilla cake, pants-dropping poems, wonder weiners , garbage, coins, cameras, oranges, pineapple princesses, and yes, even Lion King 1/2... it'll be nice to take a couple of days to not work - and work on school work. Is it next week yet? Other than that, I've bought games that I haven't (and won't, for a week anyway) play: Beautiful Katamari and Tomb Raider Anniversary - both of which I for a good deal on. My Spanish is improving, possibly. At least, I'm learning words. I guess sentences are the next hurdle. Pictures: toppled public garbage, mall, vanilla cake wit Buzz and Woody. Oh, and the Title goes out to Ricky P for a job well done.

034 - Nothing like the fresh scent of Febreeze and a graveyard hunt

Photos: Bus ride, Carleton U avast, No dumping on the big pile of snow, road ice melting, a shoe unearthed, anime-style armored beast with special guest SUN as it's powering sphere of light, messy room made messier in my attempts to tidy it, cards, locker art. Perhaps as a nod to a friend of mine on Livejournal, I've decided to clean out my room (see pictures), organize stuff, and weed out things that I don't really need or want... including sifting through the three random drawers of mostly random stuff that I have. Back in high school, I'd take my cheapo film camera with me and take pictures (much like I do now, but with less apprehension taking shots of people) and get double prints so that my friends can take pictures they wanted. Well, the (many) leftover got chucked. I know I have copies in photo albums, so they just went ploof! It's a darned good thing I have a digital camera now, and Flickr. Gone are tons of high school class notes. If ever I need some cosin...