One of the most satisfying moments in life when visiting others is finding out that they have the same shampoo that you use back home. One of the saddest moments that follows is the realisation that the bottle of shampoo is effectively empty.
I would describe Saturday as a pretty awesome day. It's the day that Ben took on the city of Toronto. Only before I could take on T-Dot, I had to warm up at a picnic event going on in the Brampton side of things. There was badminton and barbecue - but the barbecue was really strange. We thought that it was for lunch, but turns out that they were planning to have it much later... there was a lunch, but the main awesomeness that is chicken - was to be served after Prashanta and I were to leave.
There was badminton, egg relay races, and other fun kinds of activities.
Prashanta was climbing trees like a monkey. He's pretty monkey-like.
Finally, the time ticked down, and it was time to go to the big city. It was interesting to get a ticket into the city. While waiting for the bus, we met a couple from Wisconsin. They were really fun.
After a bus ride (coach-style), Prashanta and I made it to Union Station where we met the wonderful and illustrious Janet! I couldn't believe it's been over a year since we last saw each other. We took a walk down to the Lakeshore and coped it out. Throughout the whole day, we must have seen half a dozen saxophonists all over the city.
Janet toured us around some cool places, places we should see, places I wanted to see, just wandering. I told myself I wouldn't take too many pictures of the CN tower, but I failed at that. This one is my favourite, I think.
Then, disaster struck. We made it up to the Eaton Centre because Prashanta needed to buy minutes for his cell phone. As we were leaving the phone store, a salesman asks Prashanta, "how much do you spend a month on your phone?" Janet and I waited by the entrance (and even explored other stores) because we thought he wouldn't be long. I went in to grab him and discovered that the salesman had him considering a contract plan. It was shocking that he would even be considering such a pitch, let alone falling for it. After almost saying 'yes' (the salesman had his ID) and then saying 'no actually...' the salesman sweetened the pot and Prashanta couldn't resist.
After what felt like an hour of waiting...
Prashanta got a new phone. Bye bye Virgin, hello Chocolate! The salesman (centre) and his manager (left) were happy. The store was also closing when we left!
Without much to do in the mall (we had actually only stopped there to get Virgin cell phone minutes), Janet, Prashanta, and I were ready to keep going on our adventure. Only the long delay meant that Janet's boyfriend Alex would meet us at the mall instead of somewhere else. I must say that compared to the Rideau Centre (central downtown mall in Ottawa), it's Toronto counterpart has a much larger and vibrant big city vibe. Maybe it's the big billboard screens.
The four of us wandered the city. We snuck through Chinatown and ended up on the University of Toronto campus. And it was getting late. We stopped at a building and ate courtesy of Alex (he brought us all pita wraps!!) before heading to Janet's. From the field on campus, you can see the CN Tower. It was all lit up, though not blinking seizurely like it was built up to be (Prashanta is a liar). But it looked pretty cool, so I tried my best to get a picture without a tripod.
Just as we were leaving campus, Prashanta found this building that he's been going on about (and we thought he was crazy, which isn't that uncommon of a thing to think). "A building with trees in it!" Turns out there was such a building, the Centre for Cell and Biomolecular Research.
We somehow managed to get inside the building at that late an hour and hung out for a bit with some bamboo. There's a great picture of all of us in the bamboo jungle, but I didn't upload it for whatever reason! I guess you'll have to check out facebook whenever I upload to there.
No trip to Toronto would be complete with a group of police officers standing around.
We had finally made it to our pre-destination! Which is actually where the nonsense began - Eaton Centre! The area was so vibrant and bright for the night time, so we checked out a bit of the scene before proceeding to the subway.
No trip to Toronto would be complete without a ride on the subway. The TTC should thank me for easing its debt disaster.
We made it to Janet's apartment! She has a neat view of action from her high up balcony. The four of us, and for a while a 5th friend Bing, just told stories and jokes and ate and drank... it was an amazing fun night. We tried calling a friend from Vancouver, but she was too much in need to sleep to get into our antics. So we let her sleep. The tiredness eventually set in for us, so we slept.
See more Photos here.
I would describe Saturday as a pretty awesome day. It's the day that Ben took on the city of Toronto. Only before I could take on T-Dot, I had to warm up at a picnic event going on in the Brampton side of things. There was badminton and barbecue - but the barbecue was really strange. We thought that it was for lunch, but turns out that they were planning to have it much later... there was a lunch, but the main awesomeness that is chicken - was to be served after Prashanta and I were to leave.
There was badminton, egg relay races, and other fun kinds of activities.
Prashanta was climbing trees like a monkey. He's pretty monkey-like.
Finally, the time ticked down, and it was time to go to the big city. It was interesting to get a ticket into the city. While waiting for the bus, we met a couple from Wisconsin. They were really fun.
After a bus ride (coach-style), Prashanta and I made it to Union Station where we met the wonderful and illustrious Janet! I couldn't believe it's been over a year since we last saw each other. We took a walk down to the Lakeshore and coped it out. Throughout the whole day, we must have seen half a dozen saxophonists all over the city.
Janet toured us around some cool places, places we should see, places I wanted to see, just wandering. I told myself I wouldn't take too many pictures of the CN tower, but I failed at that. This one is my favourite, I think.
Then, disaster struck. We made it up to the Eaton Centre because Prashanta needed to buy minutes for his cell phone. As we were leaving the phone store, a salesman asks Prashanta, "how much do you spend a month on your phone?" Janet and I waited by the entrance (and even explored other stores) because we thought he wouldn't be long. I went in to grab him and discovered that the salesman had him considering a contract plan. It was shocking that he would even be considering such a pitch, let alone falling for it. After almost saying 'yes' (the salesman had his ID) and then saying 'no actually...' the salesman sweetened the pot and Prashanta couldn't resist.
After what felt like an hour of waiting...
Prashanta got a new phone. Bye bye Virgin, hello Chocolate! The salesman (centre) and his manager (left) were happy. The store was also closing when we left!
Without much to do in the mall (we had actually only stopped there to get Virgin cell phone minutes), Janet, Prashanta, and I were ready to keep going on our adventure. Only the long delay meant that Janet's boyfriend Alex would meet us at the mall instead of somewhere else. I must say that compared to the Rideau Centre (central downtown mall in Ottawa), it's Toronto counterpart has a much larger and vibrant big city vibe. Maybe it's the big billboard screens.
The four of us wandered the city. We snuck through Chinatown and ended up on the University of Toronto campus. And it was getting late. We stopped at a building and ate courtesy of Alex (he brought us all pita wraps!!) before heading to Janet's. From the field on campus, you can see the CN Tower. It was all lit up, though not blinking seizurely like it was built up to be (Prashanta is a liar). But it looked pretty cool, so I tried my best to get a picture without a tripod.
Just as we were leaving campus, Prashanta found this building that he's been going on about (and we thought he was crazy, which isn't that uncommon of a thing to think). "A building with trees in it!" Turns out there was such a building, the Centre for Cell and Biomolecular Research.
We somehow managed to get inside the building at that late an hour and hung out for a bit with some bamboo. There's a great picture of all of us in the bamboo jungle, but I didn't upload it for whatever reason! I guess you'll have to check out facebook whenever I upload to there.
No trip to Toronto would be complete with a group of police officers standing around.
We had finally made it to our pre-destination! Which is actually where the nonsense began - Eaton Centre! The area was so vibrant and bright for the night time, so we checked out a bit of the scene before proceeding to the subway.
No trip to Toronto would be complete without a ride on the subway. The TTC should thank me for easing its debt disaster.
We made it to Janet's apartment! She has a neat view of action from her high up balcony. The four of us, and for a while a 5th friend Bing, just told stories and jokes and ate and drank... it was an amazing fun night. We tried calling a friend from Vancouver, but she was too much in need to sleep to get into our antics. So we let her sleep. The tiredness eventually set in for us, so we slept.
See more Photos here.