I got a new camera! It's amazing! All the pictures above were taken with it. Whenever I get a new camera (which has only happened three times, including this one), I suddenly see the world differently. Now, I see footprints in mud, and sneakers hanging from phone wires, and unusual pipes that don't seem to be doing anything other than look important. One thing I miss with my previous camera is its zoom though. I'm going to need to go and get a lens soon. And those are pricey.
I just need time to go out and play with it. Mysteriously, I have a family of small mannequins that I really want to use for a set of photos... I can not wait! But they are heavy. If you want to help, let me know.
This Canon T3i (ESO 600D) purchase is just one (albeit the biggest) of many purchases that I think has made this March a crazy expensive month it seems. But, thanks to me doing my taxes very early, I can afford it for the moment! Of course, the next big thing, also coming this month: Nintendo 3DS. That one I can't wait for! I'll take a picture of it with my camera, then turn around and take a 3D pic with the DS. It'll be epic. Or not.
And yes, those are shots of Toronto.
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