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096 - Day at the Beach and Migrating Blogs

201004_02_19 - Falling

201004_02_12 - Rocky Terrain

201004_02_11 - Against the Water

201004_02_10 - Father and Daughter

201004_02_05 - Glide

My blog has moved! There were lots of fancy terms involved, including migration, canonical, cname, and propagated, but it was all very simple to do (thanks largely to Google's Blogger team). now instead of being at, they will be at HUGE difference, am I right?

School is beginning to wind down, after some huge, but successfully completed assignments. Only one presentation to go, plus exams. Speaking of presentations, I gave one about product placement yesterday, and have made it available at on my site ( because it's so cool. I basically took an iPad picture and made it interactive, included video, and made little apps to go from one slide to the next.


And I guess while I'm gushing about site-related business, I made a few minor updates, including a new picture that I use for my site's main navigation. I can't wait to have more time to add more content to my site. And play videogames.

Photos: I spent part of Good Friday on the beach. It was warmer then than it is now...


Jon said…
You're missing a 'w' in www for your presentation link.