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084 - Netbooks and fanboys

I've had one problem since my first laptop died on me a number of months ago - my mom would have to use my newer laptop when she would want to access the internet. To help remedy this issue, I bought a new computer! I use the term "computer" lightly - I bought a netbook. It's small, it's loaded with Windows XP, and my left shift key is half the size it should be... \when \i type, \i keep not hitting it. However, the increased portability that I'll get from this 10" device will more than likely make up for the need to adapt to a new keyboard. Hopefully.

I've spent the last few days trying to get over some sort of cold. Helping me to do so is Heroes Season 3. I bought the dvd set this week, hoping to refresh my mind on what's happened in the last year. I found the show somewhat annoying to watch it week by week, but viewing a few episodes at a time is much more fulfilling. In re-watching, I can see why some had been complaining about the show, but in the best spirit of many fans of various things, I think their idea of what the show should be is so high that any practical reality for the show seems to disappoint. All kinds of media outlets have had "what Heroes should be/do to be awesome again" articles (ahem 1, 2) prove my point. And it's not limited to our primetime mutants. Take a look at Joseph Mallozzi's blog comments to see fans up in arms over a show that won't even air for another month, or any Nintendo community that has become pretty much anti-Nintendo.

J.J. Abrams and co. have a huge task ahead of them for the next Star Trek movie. That's all I gotta say.

Oh, and Disney is buying Marvel. Crazy ducks. There's even more purists (on either side) who can't sleep at the thought of Snow White befriending Wolverine. All I know is that I have a cool Wall-E lunch bag and it wouldn't hurt Disney to learn how to attract a male audience. Maybe then Pixar won't have to be the boy's section all by itself.
