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032 - The Puddle and the Mannequin Army

200803_22_01 - Rear View

200803_28_01 - Still

200803_28_02 - Class Portrait

200803_28_03 - Awaiting Instruction

I was walking home tonight along the sidewalk, and at a particular point, the sidewalk dips, creating a valley of sorts. Everyone knows to avoid this during the springtime, as all the snow melts, leaving a body of water more comparable to a lake than a puddle. It's always better to circle onto the muddy grass than to brave the puddle. Two guys were walking toward me on the sidewalk, about equal distance from the puddle. I sped up to avoid awkwardness of trying to pass along the grass path at the same time.

I made it to the other side with a few steps to spare. The two guys walk by; though I can no longer see them, I can hear them talking to one another. Suddenly to my surprise, I hear the sound of breaking ice. The sound of cracking is quickly replaced by the sound of shattered ice being stirred in the water, the steps becoming more and more wet. I think, "are they going through the water?" Just then a scream, "arrrgh!"

Silly guys.

Pictures: Rear View Mirror, Mannequin Army. Or at least gang of five-year olds.
