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Showing posts from March, 2008

033 - Universe Girls, Earth Hour

Photo: The icy water described in my previous entry . I found out today that I actually know one of the 62 contestants competing for the 2008 Miss Universe Canada crown, or belt, or wand, or whatever it is the Miss Universe Canada wins. Kinda makes me wonder someday whenever we wander out of our backyard of a solar system and meet other alien races, how will they open up and even judge Miss Universe events. Especially if other species look less like Vulcans and more like, well... Suffice it to say that I wish Agnes well. Je voterais pour elle s'elle me donne un bracelet! Earth Hour went well I heard. Even though Prime Minister Stephen Harper's house was all lit up , Ottawa's power consumption dropped 4%, and Toronto dropped over 8%. I was working that night, but we turned out half the lights, the projector, and television and put on the fun and breezy Lilo and Stitch soundtrack. A few kept asking why the store was so dark. I like to think that we made someone happy, other...

032 - The Puddle and the Mannequin Army

I was walking home tonight along the sidewalk, and at a particular point, the sidewalk dips, creating a valley of sorts. Everyone knows to avoid this during the springtime, as all the snow melts, leaving a body of water more comparable to a lake than a puddle. It's always better to circle onto the muddy grass than to brave the puddle. Two guys were walking toward me on the sidewalk, about equal distance from the puddle. I sped up to avoid awkwardness of trying to pass along the grass path at the same time. I made it to the other side with a few steps to spare. The two guys walk by; though I can no longer see them, I can hear them talking to one another. Suddenly to my surprise, I hear the sound of breaking ice. The sound of cracking is quickly replaced by the sound of shattered ice being stirred in the water, the steps becoming more and more wet. I think, "are they going through the water?" Just then a scream, "arrrgh!" Silly guys. Pictures: Rear View Mirror, Ma...

031 - Beauty, Beast, and Mrs. Pot

Photos could be summed up with one phrase: Again with the eye pictures! So I was thinking today about the words "once" and "ounce". They're so similar in appearance and lettering, but they sounds very different from one another. A linguist could probably tell you that the words are very dissimilar with the parts of the mouth and throat used to pronounce them, all because of one letter. Think of the difference U can make. It would be borderline remarkable if the English language didn't resemble what would result if you left a four-year old in a white room with a bucket of chocolate and a fresh set of Crayola markers. Or crayons. Happy Easter! I've managed to stuff all kinds of things into this long weekend: Smash Bros., babysitting, work, movies, and television shows. Some of these activities overlap. Weeds is a great show. I might dare to say fantastic. After watching the first season on a couple of sittings, I might have to buy it and the second season ...

030 - Flavours of a Quarter

With Michele at LaserQuest. Hog's Back on a winter night Ho Ho Ho, Yo Chicken Love Busty Lights through a glass Wintery New Year scene Giant Kaa's hypnosis Bowling Ball Return Granny Bowling Bully and Me Bully-- Buddy loves his picture taken Surviving a Sister Attack Halo Helmet Master Chief in my Bedroom I want to ride my icicle Sidewalk through a snowbank It's been too long since my last update! So I guess I owe everyone a happy Christmas, New Year, Groundhog Day, Valentine's day, Family Day (where applicable), reading week, and now, March Break. But I beat St Patrick's day... so that'll come in a separate entry. I've noticed that the number of updates I make is somewhat proportional to how many days I got out with my camera. I haven't taken very many pictures this year so far. No particular reason why... I just haven't done a whole lot worth noting. Other than bowling to benefit children with and at risk of Autism, where I bowled an impressive tur...