Photos: Waiting at a bus stop for a bus that never came, pocket devices, usb, vie morte, renewing health card, downtown Ottawa, philosophy builds confidence.
Where does time go? The year is almost over, the month is almost over, the day is winding down, and I can't say that I've had any time to do that which I need: school assignments, mostly. What I want? I want to watch the Heroes episode that I missed, I want to play DDR and Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 3. Instead, my gaming is relegated to portable bliss in 10-minute intervals. Guess I can't complain because the new Phoenix Wright is... well, like the previous two. And I love it. Zelda Phantom Hourglass was a mixed bag for me. Loved the controls, not so much the lack of game. Maybe it was just too short.
On the plus side, I did work more than was expected over the past few days. It's a fun time to be doing shipment because we are still getting in all the new stuff for the holidays. I must have moved 300 snow globes easy. Why? Come spend $75 at Disney Store and find out... And I love kids. As you can imagine all kinds of kids end up at the Disney Store.
However, the best encounter this past week took place at another store. This little girl was walking all funny in an aisle that I had just entered, and she half walked into me, half pushed me. Her mom told her to watch where she was going and whatnot, when the girl said, "hey you!" I responded with an enthusiastic, "hi!" She began a conversation. So I conversed. We talked about Halloween mostly, and how she's going to be a pumpkin. Cutest kid ever.
Oh, and I spent 10 minutes trying to sing Barenaked Ladies' Another Postcard karaoke-style. It's not easy.