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001 - First Entry

So, I guess this is my first real entry on my first blog on my website. Maybe I'll look into actually doing something with BenjaminWood.Net over the next while to make it worthy... until then, there's this blog. I wouldn't describe myself as new to the blogosphere, seeing as for the last number of years, I've had Livejournals, and MSN Live Space (or whatever they're calling it these days), and Facebook, and podcast, and a blog over at N-Philes. What I am new to, however, is shaping a blog for a general, broad audience. I'm going to try out this new format, while still making it personal - I guess like the "big city business, small town feel" mentality.

I cannot guarantee daily updates (but I'd really love to reach for that), but I'm hoping to share many pictures (my Flickr has over 3000 from the past 4 years), thoughts, stories, videos, art, and other assorted things.

So to kick things off, I think I'll highlight a few photos that I took while biking the other day.

Bike path July 25
Approximate bike path (incomplete so that you don't know exactly where I live), about 20KM total.

200707_25_01 - Inside Etch-A-Sketch
Well, this one wasn't taken on a biking excursion, but it is the inside of an etch-a-sketch. Not quite what I expected.

200707_25_05 - Seagulls
These birds were out near the Ottawa River. They didn't seem too concerned with me, though they might have liked me better had I fed them or something.

200707_25_07 - Fishing
There were ducks in the Ottawa River, dunking themselves in to feed at the same time.

200707_25_09 - Ottawa River
The Ottawa River itself

200707_25_13 - Leaning
My bike on a pedestrian overpass.

200707_25_14 - Christmas Decorations
There were actually Christmas lights under the overpass. Why? How? I have no idea. Maybe someone was throwing a party? Or decided to do away with the holiday? Guess I'll never know.


Prashanta said…
Nice blog. Keep it up. Nice pics too. The Ottawa river one is probably the best.