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Showing posts from February, 2009

065 - March Bus Pass Get!

To get from my house to Disneyworld, it would cost approximately $3920 by taxi. Snowman from one of the first real snowfalls in Ottawa. The Christmas tree at the Train Station on that crazy day when Prashanta and I got robbed, lost, parking-ticketed, and caught trying to sell a train ticket. It was around this time when the car got broken in to. We're none the wiser! A Wall-E Paddle ball! I forgot this one in my recent Wall-E post. Deep Snow as the buses go on strike. Milkshakes at The Works. Poker Chips. I won that game. Algonquin. Buses are still not running, so there's nobody at the station. First day back for buses! Spinning around in a chair, getting ready for Disney rides. Cousin Maya playing with Eve. My ideal umbrella. Hearts in the toilet. No, this isn't commentary on love. Sometimes, little hearts just end up in the toilet. The wine I tried the other day. Strawberry Pancakes. I got my March bus pass today, at a cost to me of $25.00, instead of the usual $62 n chan...

064 - A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Imagineers, listen up! I had a crazy dream about Disneyworld just now about an awesome attraction. It was either an Earth-through-the-ages themed building, or an extreme-climates-of-the-Earth theme. I started off in the entrance room, and there layers of mats, that hung at the bottom of a huge spherical system. Each mat represented a different period or climate. When you changed the mat you were on, it transformed the room's look, walls, window views, humidity, and temperature to match. We went from a prehistoric-looking jungle to a lava theme. The lava theme had OC-Transpo-style heaters (kinda like this but you can see the tip on one here ) that heated the room quickly. I stood up on the semi-spherical mat and tried to charge my watch faster.... see when the watch interacted with certain elements, a special button caused the watch to display all kinds of things. In this case, I was going to become a lavaman or fire superhero of some kind. It was really fascinating. Also form the ...

063 - Wine & Whine

Pictures: A bunch of random ones that I took with my cell phone over the summer. I often forget to dump the pictures that I take with my cell phone, and when I do, I often forget to upload them to Flickr. Well, this is part one! Disneyworld is 66 days away. Time is going so quick! However, before I can get on a place, I need to deal with assignments, midterms, presentations, and finals, not necessarily in that order. Those are the parts that I'm not looking forward to. There are three drinks that I can't see myself ever liking are coffee, wine, and beer. Last night, I decided to buy some wine just to see if maybe the "10 times" rule that Prashanta is always on about could apply. After talking to the guy at Wine Rack, I decided to try a pinot grigio , based on the fact that I was looking for something simple. It was alright in the sense that I actually managed to finish a glass (or two?). Some have already suggested that I try red wines... we'll see! If there are ...

061 - Wall-E Collection

To kick off the exciting time that is anticipating Disneyworld, I thought I would study exactly how much Disney-related stuff I've amassed in recent times. This time, I'll focus on Wall-E. The little robot that could is just too awesome. Everybody knows that I'm the "Wall-E guy" and have been since well before the movie came out. And while I don't have the crazy $300 interactive robot, I have collected a number of items both purchased by me or given to me as a gift. This interactive, dancing Wall-E talks, has eyes that light up, and can even play music from an MP3 player. I went all out and bought the 3-Disk edition of the DVD. The extra special feature disk rocks! Especially with the extra deleted scenes. Wall-E Laundry. What could be better? Eve changes her expression when you bop her on the head, has a plant in her belly, and even has an interchangeable arm cannon. M-O can actually suck up little particles when he runs over them! Wall-E Tap dances when you ...

060 - Ottawa should just get a Monorail, like that other place.

The O-Train is running today. People protested the mayor at the Greenboro stop, where he was PRing it up. In one week, I'll be able to take buses home, but will still need rides to work and be walking to school. Should be exciting. OH AND I'M GOING TO DISNEYWORLD! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. Just thought I would throw that out there. Because I'm excited ^_^