Once I put up this blog on my website, I realised there isn't much to my website at present. There's just a splash page that I threw up once I registered the .net domain that links to various online areas in which I exist. Naturally, it made sense to but the blog there. So, I designed a pretty logo (pictured above) for my blog to go on that page. The globe might be familiar to some - it's the same globe found in the centre of my sun-like logo found at the MyUtopia website. It's simple, it works for the time being. I might look into designing a blog template of my own in the future and incorporate it somehow. Of course, I need to change my site completely before hand. Maybe they'll work together and be nice and pretty. I'm sure I'll figure it all out. Someday. In other news, I made a brief appearance at my cousin's house today. I don't know how, but I I had some pasta salad whose green and red peppers tasted really good! As a child, I used to gag at t...